B2B Marketing Blog Strategies in Boston

Blogging for Businesses in Boston
Blogging was once a niche word used to describe a mix of diary entry coupled with reporting. It was appealing to a micro group within specific fandoms or followers of a particular hobby. In the modern world of content marketing in Boston, a blog has become an endemic necessity. This is without regard to industry, interest group, or size of an organization. It is a useful – indeed often vital – method to disseminate information that was once only dispersed via a press release. It can also can help to take a business to the next level in myriad ways.
Discover how a digital marketing firm in Boston can help b2b companies to create blogs that can assist in transforming your brand, gaining followers, and improving search ranking without hamstringing your efforts due to common mistakes businesses can make with blog content.
Why Do Boston B2B Companies Need a Blog?
First of all, a blog can attract new clients, regardless of your industry. Any company can benefit from introducing bogging into their content marketing strategy in Boston. Organizing the release of such content helps to highlight and structure the benefits that your company can offer to another. In highly competitive business spaces, accomplishing this in an exceptional manner is even more important. There are endless goals that can be realized more quickly with the implementation of blogging strategy. An informative, well-written blog with strategy and customer engagement in mind is the most powerful tool. There are several objectives that can be achieved with a winning blogging strategy:
Purposes of Business to Business Online Posts
Blogs help to grow online traffic
This might seem simple, but it is the foundation of almost all content that is produced for online consumption. The best part is that quality blog posts can continue to provide benefits long after publishing. That means that you cannot be lazy or promotional when creating company content. The masses of eyes available on the internet belong to many consumers who are able to identify “puffed up” advertising content written simply to extol the virtues of a product or service. A business that makes a practice of publishing entries that are not engaging and do not offer value to consumers in the form of knowledge or news, is not going to retain the traffic they are hoping to organically increase.
Blogging helps to nurture and convert customers
Once a potential business or individual discovers your company’s blogging content and decides that the message or information is uniquely useful, you have achieved your first goal. The brand recognition that was once sought with snappy tag lines in television commercials or uniquely appealing billboards in physically high-traffic locations becomes infinitely easier to convert to custom when a company has become synonymous with the excellence of trustworthy, appealing, expertly communicative posts. Becoming a bookmarked or frequently referenced resource for any business that might be peripheral to your industry has a branding and networking value that cannot be achieved any other way.
B2B Blogging keeps current customers engaged
Valuable and engaging content marketing doesn’t simply promote your company’s services or products. Since the SEO benefits (more on that later) continue to add value long after a post is published, the more blogs you create that appeal to your target audience, even peripherally, will keep your company at the forefront of your client’s mind. It improves the relationship by reminding your current clients that even when they are not actively utilizing your services, you are still the go-to for expert information, cutting-edge developments, and industry insight.
Blogging can differentiate your brand from other similar brands
A blog can promote the formation of a community around your website and organization by encouraging return visits to your site. This is an ideal way to maintain a reputation while spreading word about your services. Long-lasting bonds with your clients and prospects are a reputation improvement tool that cannot be fostered in the same manner with other marketing strategies. Sharing your blog posts on social media helps to reach a wider audience and entice traffic back to your page. At GoingClear, we have a highly tuned sense of how to create a blog post with the potential to go viral, which is a benefit that will draw customers while exponentially increasing the backlink references that can help skyrocket your business’s website to the top of search results. This can build your reputation in a field of interest, allowing your brand to become synonymous with authority in a particular field.
Types of B2B Blog Posts
There are dozens of types of blog posts that provide engaging content while presenting critical information. Rolling up these qualities into a post that advertises your company without looking like an advertisement is a skill that GoingClear’s digital PR team has finely honed over our extensive history.
The most successful types of posts can be broken down into a number of groups:
- How-to and Tutorial type posts – if someone needs to accomplish a task, and they are successfully able to do so after reading your content, it is more valuable than a dozen Super Bowl commercials
- Lists – these posts streamline information into a format that is quick and easy to consume, which is vital in the pace of today’s marketplace. Lists are also some of the most commonly shared and reblogged content.
- Link or Resource lists – This type of post doesn’t establish your business as an authority on any particular topic since they curate the content of others. However, this can improve your trust score in SEO algorithms and are an important component of blogging strategy
- Reviews – Some blogs have become successful simply by reviewing products and services, or comparing and contrasting multiple related products. This can increase your company’s authority rating on things that are specific to your field. It can be bolstered by partnering with brands to cross-promote your content.
- Infographics – Pictures are worth 1,000 words and the blogosphere is no exception. Designing an appealing and informative visual representation of a product, service, or explanation is a great way to ensure appreciative consumers and shares on social media.
- Video posts – Blogs are more than just the written word. A relevant video containing an interview, or tenets of any of the above, coupled with a few introductory paragraphs, gives consumers who are less inclined to spend time reading articles an easy way to consume your content
- Guest Posts – Bring in outside experts to provide fresh content to your blog. Create a reciprocal relationship with businesses and websites that complement your offerings. As long as the quality of the work aligns with your standard of excellence, these types of posts can help to build a larger audience.
Get B2B Blogging Assistance From A Digital Marketing Firm In Boston
GoingClear has helped businesses in Boston and beyond to develop and implement blogging strategies! These strategies can be increase brand awareness, influencer interest, and conversions to long-term clients. Check our own “Clear Bytes” blog for an example of our high-quality content. Contact us today to learn how we can do the same for your company!