About Amigo
Amigo’s main purpose is to help communities connect easily, faster, and efficiently through finding the right choices for their lifestyle. What sets Amigo apart from typical social media applications is the ability to find recommendations and save them with the click of a button. This includes many types of businesses. When users create their own personal profile, they will be able to see items they’ve favorited as well as view their friends’ questions and recommendations. Overall, Amigo is a creative way to spread word of mouth through a user-friendly digital platform. When you are a part of the Amigo community, you’ll be able to ask questions and seek answers actively to find the right recommendation for you.
How GoingClear Helped
Amigo, a progressive web app(PWA), was designed by GoingClear to help users connect through a personalized recommendation app. Unlike other social media applications, GoingClear designed and developed Amigo for the sole purpose of a custom recommendation network based on friends advice. Through posting and commenting functionalities, we also built in a notification module that allows for push notifications. An account sign-in functionality with Facebook allows Amigo users to sync certain information from one well known social platform over to Amigo’s platform. With their powerful web app comes a custom banking or saving/storing system that GoingClear designed and developed. This dynamic feature allows users to “bank” and favorite businesses or locations with ease. For an even better user experience, GoingClear made it possible for users to integrate Amigo within their browsers for an even more custom experience. GoingClear knows the importance of connecting people to the right places at the right time. With Amigo, users will be able to navigate this progressive web app to find solutions and recommendations with confidence and ease.