Awk Monks NFT

NFT Web Design, Branding, Video, SEO & PPC

nft web design development example
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About Awk Monks NFT


Awk Monks are a collection of 8,888 awkward monkeys, each with unique and extraordinary characteristics, monkeying around and thriving on the Solana blockchain. They may be awkward NFT monkeys but they are confident and assured of their own self-worth awkwardly making a life of it out there in the wild and strange jungles of the Solana Blockchain.

GoingClear partnered with Awk Monks initially to design a simple one page website and work with their team to allow for the minting of Awk Monks via Solana and Phantom wallet.  After that first smaller project, it then turned into a full on complete interactive Web3 website redesign and build along with dynamic gallery of minted monks, share-friendly custom animated gifs & memes, status checker and more. In addition, GoingClear developed multiple educational videos in series, ran SEO marketing, PPC marketing, delivered a refreshed new brand strategy, brand voice and tone as well as ongoing social media marketing, discord engagement and digital presence monitoring & optimization.

And if you are currently reading this then you’d be happy to know that Awk Monks is currently live in the initial minting phase of their 8,888 NFT awkward monkeys which you can mint right on their site with a Phantom wallet + Solana.