Some companies offer their products directly to consumers while others market to businesses, and there is another group of companies that sell to both entities. When beginning a digital advertising campaign in Boston, it is important to consider who your target audience is and how to best meet their needs. When your company serves both businesses and consumers, the first step in crafting your marketing strategy is to determine which a particular campaign will focus on. This is where B2B & B2C marketing comes into play.

Choose a digital marketing agency in Boston for your B2B and B2C campaigns. 

What are the types of marketing campaigns?

B2B Marketing

Business-to-business marketing is the act of selling your products to another business. Business purchasing decisions are generally not made unilaterally by a single individual, but instead are discussed and voted on by a buying team or board directors. Engineering, aerospace, and advertising agencies are usually B2B companies as they are selling their goods and services to businesses to either use or sell to consumers on their own.

B2C Marketing

Unlike a B2B company, business-to-consumer companies sell directly to the people who will use their products. This demographic will be further defined by attributes such as gender, age, geographic region, and other factors but you are appealing to individual buyers who make decisions directly for themselves. Retailers like car dealerships, makeup brands, and online stores that sell products to individual shoppers are usually B2B companies.

Differences Between B2B And B2C Marketing 

Not all companies fit neatly under a B2B or B2C label. Some companies sell products both to other companies and to consumers. Car manufacturers may sell to dealerships and directly to drivers. Healthcare equipment companies may sell some products to hospitals and doctors and others directly to patients. Even if the same products are being sold, you Boston website design and marketing materials for each type of audience will look vastly different 

Who are you marketing to?

As mentioned above, the most obvious difference between B2B and B2C is the target audience. All digital marketing strategies aim to sell, but B2C campaigns may be geared towards anyone who will use the product, even if they won’t necessarily be the ones making the purchase. Many snack brands and toy companies market to children they hope will convince their parents to make a purchase on their behalf. B2B marketers focus solely on the key decision-makers in the company, even if they will never use the products or services themselves. 

What story are you telling?

Any successful model digital marketing campaign attempts to make the audience invest in the brand and the goods and services it provides. Yet businesses and individuals make their decisions through very different processes. Consumers are more likely to buy a product based on an emotional connection that may or may not be rational. A shopper in a store might grab a package based on their favorite color or because they like the image on the box, or because they recognize the brand name, even if they cannot remember a single detail. So a fun or memorable campaign without any serious selling might be very effective. A business group employs a far more involved series of thoughts. Since the decision must be made collectively, there needs to be documented evidence of the usefulness of your product. The entire group needs to agree that your company is a better match for theirs than a competitor. In business marketing, you must show proof. 

What do you have to offer?

Businesses and consumers view value in different ways as well. That individual shopper has a direct connection to the product they are buying. Again, emotions are at the forefront. They want to feel good about their purchase. They want to enjoy using it or giving it to their child, spouse, or friend. The business group expects a return on its investment. They want to know exactly how every product and service they purchase will benefit their company in both the short and the long term. There needs to be a logical reason to believe that purchasing from your company will improve their bottom line or increase their efficiency.

What will you show your audience?

Content is king in both business and consumer marketing. Boston website design is crucial to engaging with both individual and corporate buyers but the definition of value may differ slightly between the two audiences. B2B decision-makers want your content to show them how much you know about the industry and their company’s needs. They want to learn something new from your website, newsletters, and white papers. B2C customers also want to be engaged, but there are a lot more ways for them to get value from your content. Consumers are more likely to buy from a brand that they feel “gets” them and shares their personal values, so your content does not have to sell your product as much as it resonates on a more personal level.

How much will your audience need to invest in their purchase?

Consumer purchases are generally low risk. Even if the product is expensive, they can stop engaging with your brand at any time and can easily change their mind and return the item. Decisions are made in an instant. For business decision-makers, that consensus comes with a longer investment of both time and money, so they will need more solid proof to rationalize their choice.

What does the buying cycle look like?

As with investment time, business decision-makers must go through a more detailed and organized process. The team may not be in agreement and will need to show evidence backing up their proposed choice where a consumer can decide in a matter of seconds. 

Creating Digital Marketing Strategies For Both B2B And B2C Campaigns

Your company does not have to decide to sell only to businesses or consumers. Much of the same content and research can be used for both types of marketing. If you are ready to get started with a Boston digital advertising agency that is experienced and versatile, contact GoingClear today.