
Custom Web Application Online Hub for Teens, Caregivers & Educators

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About Bloom

With so much of our lives online these days, teens, caregivers, and educators are in need of a safe and supportive space that provides guidance on how to support their minds, bodies, and relationships, as they make our way through the world.  BLOOM was designed from the ground up to serve as a guide for us all. It is a first-of-its-kind online hub that brings  the expertise of the nation’s brightest minds in one easy-to-use online destination. Our circle of support provides each user a hub customized to their own specific interests and needs.

How GoingClear Helped

A strong and clear vision for the future of empowering teens, caregivers and educators along with leveraging web app technology was part of the mission for this custom web application build. Overall, this was a complex web app build with the key website features and modules being: eCommerce, online training, registration, login, customizable dashboards, dynamic libraries, creative page layouts, period tracker, online journal, rewards system, video integration, deep navigation and breadcrumbing to keep users centered as they browse as well as three main hubs within this build. Each of the hubs – teens, caregivers and educators have their own stylized dashboards, different content and account models where caregivers leverages a recurring paid subscription model, educator accounts are based on buying specific courses and having access to lessons and quizzes as well as a free membership for teens.

I wanted to reach out from the BLOOM team to acknowledge your patience, commitment and compassion in bringing BLOOM to life. We cannot believe the amount of work and dedication that went into making this happen. You and your team were an instrumental part in bringing this vision to life. We know that BLOOM will help millions of Teens, Caregivers, and Educators. So I hope that one day when you hear about BLOOM as a staple website for the teen years, you will know that you and your team were the reason it is here.


Co-Founder // CEO