
B2B Website Redesign with Refreshed Creative

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HourWork helps Re-engage, recruit and retain. They help their clients become employers of choice through best-in-class retention and recruitment software to build employee loyalty and prevent turnover.

How GoingClear Helped

GoingClear partnered with HourWork on multiple occasions to work on their digital and website presence. For this project, the goal was to design & develop a fresh new look and feel with creative custom graphics, subtle animation and a personable approach to help align and convert as many qualified website visitors as could be. Through careful IA information architecture, sitemap planning and digital buyer journey planning, the revised sitemap was created and locked in. As the new home page design came to life, the rest of the website’s internal pages started to take influence. One custom feature to help convert their target website visitors more was a custom ROI calculator to help communicate what Turnover looks like through the Turnover Savings Calculator. GoingClear’s job was to design and custom code this calculator after reviewing HourWork’s excel file version of something similar. In addition, the HourWork team was a pleasure to work with on that project and continues to help optimize via digital.