How Do You Get the Right Eyes to Your B2B Website?

At our firm, we rarely ever speak in terms of “B2B website design” anymore. That’s not because it isn’t important – having a strong web presence is more crucial than ever. Instead, it’s because getting your pages, programming, and content right is only half the battle.
If you really want to succeed, and to draw in inbound B2B leads through agile marketing, you have to attract eyeballs to that website after it has been launched.
To express this another way, web design is important… but getting the right people to see your beautifully created site matters just as much. In fact, it might matter even more.
In today’s post we are going to explore a few ways you can do exactly that. But first, let’s make sure we are all on the same page.
Why You Need the Right Eyes on Your Website
It’s not hard to understand why you need traffic to your website. But visits alone aren’t sufficient. To see an improvement in your bottom-line metrics, you have to have the right people coming to your website.
Who are the right people? That depends a great deal on your business and industry. However, they tend to fall into a couple of groups.
The first group we could call “decision-makers.” These are the folks who not only have a need for your product or service, but also the budget and authority to make a purchase. They can give you the thumbs-up to start working with you and authorize the payment behind it.
Decision-makers are the obvious “right” audience, but they aren’t the only one. In some markets, it’s as (or more) crucial to pull in those who are involved in influencing your decision. Don’t misread that word – I don’t mean minor celebrities who pitch products for money. Instead I mean family members, coworkers, board members, and others who might have a say in whether someone chooses to buy from you or a competitor.
In the B2B world these people tend to have formal titles. They might be buyers, assistants, or department heads. However, they can also be mentors, colleagues, or even friends with a bit of industry knowledge.
Precise definitions aren’t important. What is crucial to understand is the fact that you won’t accomplish anything with your digital agile marketing strategy if you aren’t pulling both groups to your pages and content. Until they see what you have to say and offer, nothing else happens.
That’s really the first thing you have to understand about bringing visitors to your website. Before getting into tactics, though, there is one more disclaimer.
Start With the Prerequisites
I’ve already mentioned that B2B website design isn’t all-important. But it does matter a great deal.
In the same way you can’t build a great website and profit without the right kinds of visits, neither can you generate leads if the people you do get to your pages aren’t impressed. Therefore, web design and development go hand-in-hand with digital marketing. One never works without the other.
So, before you attempt to get the right eyeballs to your website, figure out who they are and then make sure your site is ready to serve them. Otherwise, you’ll waste a lot of time, effort, and money on a campaign that’s never going to work out.
How to Pull Readers to Your B2B Website
In theory, the list of methods you could employ for B2B agile marketing is virtually endless. In practice, though, most companies rely on a handful of proven strategies to find and attract the right eyeballs and turn them into potential buyers.
Let’s look at the most common pathways one by one.
Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (or SEO for short) is the art and science of adding content on your website and making it easy to find. It’s great for inbound lead generation because Google and the other engines offer a virtually endless stream of new buyers who can come to your website. Additionally, you can bring them to your pages at the exact moment when they are thinking about your product or service.
As you will undoubtedly already know, the downside to SEO is that it can take a great deal of time and effort. However, with the right marketing partner, you can shortcut the learning curve and build a stream of qualified visitors who come to your website every day for years to come.
Digital Ads
Digital ads give you almost all the same benefits of search engine optimization but with much more speed and control. That’s because you control the message and the marketing channels, with the ability to set your own budget and change variables at will.
Of course, the downside to digital ads is that you have to pay for them. In the wrong hands, internet advertising can become very expensive very quickly. However, if you follow the right approach – or have the right marketing partner – you can achieve a positive ROI very quickly.
Social Media Outreach
Social media marketing is a tricky proposition. It can take time and creativity to build a devoted audience. Once you have one, though, you gain the ability to not only reach new customers, but also to have them spread your messaging to their own friends and colleagues.
As with search engine optimization, social media marketing typically takes a big investment of time as you get moving. But like SEO, it can pay off in a disproportionate way when you get things right.
Email Marketing
Email marketing isn’t new or flashy in 2024, but it is still incredibly effective. It costs next to nothing to reach tens of thousands of subscribers at once, and to do so in a direct, one-on-one fashion that excludes your competitors.
It can take time and money to build a reliable email marketing list. Once you have one, though, it can be a source of reliable revenue for many years.
The Real Secret to Attracting the Right People
Often, business owners and executives come to us wondering which of these tools or methods they should try first. Our answer? Go where your best customers are. Use the channels that will pay off for you most quickly in the beginning. Then, you can build on those wins and incorporate most or all of these tools together.
Really, that’s when the magic happens. It’s not necessarily about finding success with SEO, social media, digital ads, or email marketing. It’s about using them all together in a way that engages your most important contacts and convinces them to take the next step.
What Are You Doing With That Targeted Traffic?
Having a great B2B website and bringing in targeted traffic are great first steps toward B2B lead generation, but there are still other pieces to the puzzle. If you fail to put them together in the right way, then you won’t see lasting results.
Far too many entrepreneurs, marketers, and established business owners treat inbound lead generation as a matter of chance. That’s because they don’t understand there are established formulas you can follow to achieve measurable results. We’ve laid them out in our upcoming book: Get Eyes. Give Knowledge. Grow Pipeline.™ It’s a step-by-step framework with your website positioned at the core for growth.
Want the impact and results without having to read our upcoming book? Feel free to lean on us more and check out our digital agency services to see how we can help.