The 8 Key Benefits of PPC

There are many ways you can benefit from PPC. As a Boston digital marketing agency and proud partner of Google, we know the vital benefits that PPC can bring to the table. First and foremost, you’re setting up your account by focusing on the right audience through selecting specific keywords,targeting specific locations and targeting specific demographics. You can also filter anyone out who isn’t likely to be interested in your services or products. As mentioned earlier, you can also control your costs. This helps assist with any budget constrictions you may be faced with. By deciding on how much you want to spend, you can set your goals around pricing. Check out the top benefits for success below.
1. Key Performance Indicators
PPC through Google Ads can also measure your success through many types of KPIs. A few examples of KPIs in Google Ads are clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC) and conversions. Clicks are how many times your ad was clicked on. Impressions are how many times your ad was actually shown on the search engine results page. CTR measures the percent of people who saw your ad and actually clicked on it. CPCs are a good way to measure success because this tells you how much you are spending on average per click. If it’s too high, there are ways to control it. Conversions measure how many people took action on your site. This can be a phone call, an information request, or any other valuable action on your website that can lead to a person becoming a customer. Basically, within the Google Ads platform, only get the results that matter to you!
A lot of companies rely on specific metrics depending on their goals. You might want to boost traffic to your website and just get your brand name out there. Here, you would solely focus on impressions and potentially CTR. These two KPIs can help you navigate how many folks are now aware of your brand. Maybe you are really trying to promote and sell a new product you just launched. In this case, you will need to focus on your conversions and cost per conversion. These metrics will let you know how many people bought your product and the success rate of promoting it. At the end of the day, let your local Boston PPC company take care of your data – you will see your company’s success build.
2. Real Time Data
Thanks to Google Ads, you can view all your data in real time – what a benefit! You can see live updates of every metric recording in the PPC platform. These include impressions, clicks, conversions, cost per click (CPC), spend, and so many more. This can help you meet last minute goals or closely monitor your costs before the end of a closing period. You can also get this data at the palm of your hand, literally – Google Ads has an app, too. Once you install it on your phone, you can check data on the go. It doesn’t get more convenient than that.
3. Creating Brand Awareness
You may already have a website running that has SEO-optimized content. But PPC can guarantee you great brand awareness through its digital advertising platform. The cool thing about PPC is that you can focus your account on general terms surrounding your industry or bid on your actual brand name. Both ways are efficient and beneficial.
Brand awareness can help raise the visibility of your company’s products or services. There are different settings within a branded campaign that can help you achieve these goals.
You might be asking yourself “why would I bid on my own brand name?” Well, honestly, it helps keep your competition down as well. Anyone can bid on any term on the web. Your competition may already have your brand name in their account to try and kick you out of the results page. It’s important to keep up with your brand, as you would be the more likely one to show. Branded campaigns also bring in more qualified leads. Someone who is searching for your brand already knows their intentions whereas someone searching for something more general might not know what brand they want to be a customer of.
On the other hand, non-branded campaigns are still a good way to get your name out there. Searchers would type in a general term surrounding your industry and with the right keywords and optimizations, your branded ad will show on the SERP. These can be more expensive than branded campaigns, but in the end it’s worth it. You can gain many qualified leads and grow your business through general keywords as long as you continually optimize towards those goals.
4. Grow your Business
PPC is all about growth. Gain more customers by using PPC. Since you’re spending a pretty penny on a search engine, you want to see that spike in traffic and leads. Although it may take some time to ramp up your PPC account, you can grow your company relatively fast online. PPC is always changing, bringing in new opportunities and potentially new goals for your business. With this rapid rate, you are also able to increase sales and leads through the platform.
Every time you get a click on an ad, there is that potential for a conversion action to take place. That’s what your Boston PPC company will optimize towards. Depending on your goals, we are able to make a visitor take action on your website, visit a store in person, call your company, or maybe install your application on their phone. The goals are endless, which means the growth is endless, as well.
5. Only Pay For The Results
When it comes to PPC, you only pay for a click. There are no gimmicks here like other advertising techniques. It’s simple and straightforward – if your ad shows on the SERP and gets a click, you pay a cost. If nobody clicks on it, you don’t get hit with a cost. Simple.
6. Show Across the Web
With PPC, your able to get your advertising across as many websites as you could imagine. Not only can just show on the SERP, but you can also show on known websites, such as,, to name a few. With this reach, you can be showing your ads in front of millions of people daily!
7. Promote Specials
You can also run a campaign that’s targeted for a specific event, service, or product that might only be available for a limited time. If you need to raise awareness or sales fast, promoting through PPC is the best way to go. It’s quick and easy to make a new campaign and target the specific audience needed in order to increase your leads.
You’re also able to set time restraints within a campaign. For example, let’s say you need to promote an event that runs from January 1st to March 31st. Within PPC, you can set a start and end date. This way you don’t have to worry about turning it on and off manually. Let the platform work for you.
Overall, the benefits of PPC are not difficult to produce. All you need is a basic account and some goals to start seeing a positive change in your business. Let GoingClear be your Boston PPC Company.
8. Only Show To Your Audience
You could end up spending thousands of dollars on different types of advertisements, such as billboards, TV commercials, or on the radio. Unlike other forms of advertising, PPC gives you the advantage of only showing to your usual clientele. What this means is you have the ability to tailor your account and PPC ads to only pop up when someone is searching for your specific services or products. A well-timed ad can certainly turn the average person into a valued customer for life.