Why Conversions Might Not be Your Biggest Internet Marketing Goal
Conversions vs. Credibility
Conversions from your website can be anything from a visitor purchasing a product to become an official customer to an avid blog reader finally filling out and submitting a web form to sign up for your newsletter. The conventional wisdom of Internet marketing is that you attract traffic to your website in order to generate conversions. Website visitors come in, and new customers come out. That’s a tried-and-true formula for success, right?
We would largely agree with that, with the caveat that getting conversions might not be your first or only goal – you also have to make sure you don’t damage your own business credibility in the process.
This matters because some businesses get hyper-aggressive when it comes to looking for prospects or online sales. They use giant flashing headlines, pop-up ads, and other in-your-face tactics in an effort to get visitors to click where they want them to click, or do what they want them to do. These types of strategies can be frustrating to visitors as they hinder the user experience and can backfire if fewer and fewer people are willing to remain on a website, or visit it again in the first place.
All things being equal, getting conversions should be your most important Internet marketing goal. But make sure you aren’t bothering or offending so many visitors in the process that it costs you in the long run. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t advertise online or use a bold web design. It’s all about finding the right balance. And once you attract these potential customers, your website should keep them there with a unique custom design and great usability.
Are you looking for Internet marketing help? Or even a new website? Contact the team at GoingClear today at (617) 649-7200 to see how we can help.