Optimize your B2B video marketing

B2B video marketing forms part of content marketing, and no well-researched marketing strategy should be without B2B video production. This kind of marketing is focused on creating and sharing content in video format and converting prospects into leads.

B2B videos can be in many different formats: from webcasts and live streams to social media videos and everything in between.

B2B video marketing is a great tool to help businesses create real connections with their audience while entertaining them. It’s become so popular that more than 85% of businesses now use video as a marketing tool.

To make the most of B2B video marketing, it’s important to follow the best practices. This kind of marketing can be highly successful when these guidelines are followed.

How to Use B2B Video Marketing

Video marketing doesn’t have to be a complicated or difficult marketing strategy. As long as you take the right approach with your B2B video production and plan your content properly, you can pull it off spectacularly.

An important thing to remember is that you must establish and maintain a consistent schedule. That way, you can encourage your audience to come back for more and build trust. You’ll also establish your brand as a leader in your respective industry through helpful and consistent video content.

Optimize Your Videos and Target for Each Channel

The first and most important best practice for B2B video marketing is making sure your videos are optimized for the channels you’re actively using. Naturally, you should be using the channels that are relevant to your audience. For this, you’ll need good customer personas based on thorough research.

Every channel is different, and you’ll have to adjust your video content accordingly. For example, social media platforms like TikTok and Facebook call for short-form video content. Keep your videos under a minute to ensure your audience will remain engaged and entertained.

Of course, there are longer videos such as behind-the-scenes content or tutorials that should be long enough to cover topics well. These kinds of videos should be shared on your official website or channels such as YouTube.

What’s Your Video Content’s Purpose:

B2B Video Production needs to have a purpose, and there are three main reasons to create videos for your brand.

1. Educate

Videos are great for educating your audience about what your brand stands for, what your products or services are, and why you’re the best in the industry. Creating general educational videos will help guide your prospects through the customer journey while they’re in the ‘consideration’ phase.

Educational videos can convince your audience to become customers by showing them why they want your product or service without being pushy.

Helping your audience to get to know your company and brand is also a nice way to build brand loyalty. When people feel like they understand your brand and feel that they can relate to your values, they’re more likely to want to support you.

If your product or service is a little bit complicated, educational videos can also go a long way to making it more accessible to your audience. Take the guesswork out of using your products/services, and you’ll have more customers.

2. Engage

Engaging your audience goes a long way toward optimizing your B2B video marketing. Getting people to want to interact with your content means you’re doing something right. There are many ways to engage your audience, and being relevant is one of the best approaches.

People are exposed to a lot of video content every day, so creating content that speaks to them on a personal level will make your brand stand out. Being relevant requires a good understanding of your audience and their pain points in your industry. Get to know your customers, and you’ll find it easy to make content that they can relate to.

Also, be human. People don’t like faceless, cold companies, and you should not be seen as one. Show your audience that you’re not just a business trying to make money but trying to solve a problem they have. Tell a compelling story with your B2B videos, and you’ll achieve more success.

3. Develop Deeper Relationships With Potential Customers

The last main reason to create good B2B videos is how much it helps brands to create deep and lasting relationships with their customers. A good relationship with your customers ensures more trust and loyalty — key factors for a growing company.

To develop deep relationships with your audience, it’s important that you strike the right tone. That can be a bit difficult with video content, but if you know your audience, you shouldn’t find this too challenging. 

Communicate with your audience on a human level, speak to them as if you’re friends (but keep it professional, of course), and they’ll feel more connected to your brand.

You don’t have to go overboard and try to be ‘one of the cool kids’. Instead, just try to demonstrate empathy with your audience and make it clear that you’re there to solve their problems, not rob them of their money. Even something as simple as ‘thank you’ after a customer purchases your product can go a long way to deepening your relationships.

Leverage Video Customer Reviews to Build Strong Brand Credibility

Reviews are essential — more than 90% of consumers rely on online reviews to determine if they’ll make a purchase. You can use customer reviews to show your audience how awesome you are and build brand awareness. Video customer reviews are a creative way of sharing reviews.

Getting happy customers to share their experiences will help build strong brand credibility and convince uncertain prospects to support your brand. Note that your video reviews should be authentic and not feel scripted or fake or like an advertisement.

Use Tutorials to Help Customers Understand Your Product

Demonstration videos are easy to make and can educate your customers on how your product or service works in an easy-to-digest format. Explaining all the features of your product can be quite boring, but with tutorial videos, you can make it interesting and exciting.

Whether you’re taking your audience on a tour of your software product and showing off everything it can do or putting your products to the test in creative ways, tutorials are great for B2B video marketing.

You can even ask current customers to help you make tutorials. They can record their unboxing of your product and show how they use it in real life, for example.

Talk to GoingClear about Optimizing your B2B Video Marketing

Video marketing is important in the B2B sector, and getting it right is the key to success. With that in mind, B2B video production can be a bit daunting at first, so if you’re looking for guidance with your B2B marketing, call GoingClear today for a free consultation. Our experienced team knows all about story-based marketing and can help you truly connect with your audience. Reach out to us now to get started!